Journal Articles
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S.A. Pozzi. The number distribution of neutrons and gamma photons generated in a multiplying sample. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 566(2), 598 (2006).
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S.A. Pozzi. The Number Distribution and Factorial Moments of Neutrons and Gamma Photons Generated in a Multiplying Sample. Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, 35(1), 29 (2006).
- S.A. Pozzi, M. Flaska, A. Enqvist, and I. Pázsit. Monte Carlo and analytical models of neutron detection with organic scintillation detectors. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 582, 629 (2007).
- A. Enqvist, M. Flaska, and S.A. Pozzi. Measurement and simulation of neutron/gamma-ray cross-correlation functions from spontaneous fission. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 595, 426 (2008).
- I. Pázsit, A. Enqvist, and L. Pál. A note ont the multiplicity expressions in nuclear safeguards. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 603, 541 (2009).
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S.A. Pozzi. The Detection Statistics of Neutrons and Photons Emitted from a Fissile Sample. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 607, 451 (2009).
- S. Avdic, A. Enqvist, and I. Pázsit. Unfolding sample parameters from neutron and gamma multiplicities using artificial neural networks. ESARDA Bulletin, 43, 21 (2009).
- A. Enqvist and I. Pázsit. Calculation of the light pulse distributions induced by fast neutrons in organic scintillation detectors. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 618, 266 (2010).
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S. Avdic. Sample characterization using both neutron and gamma multiplicities. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 615, 62 (2010).
- A. Enqvist, M. Flaska, S.A. Pozzi, and I. Pázsit. Initial Evaluation for a Combined Neutron and Gamma-ray Multiplicity Counter. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, 621, 493 (2010).
Conference Proceedings
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S.A. Pozzi. Statistics of the neutrons and gamma photons emitted from a fissile sample with absorption. Proceedings of the IAEA symposium on International Safeguards: Addressing Verification Challenges, October 16-20, 2006, Vienna, Austria.
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S.A. Pozzi. Calculation of the pulse height distribution induced by fast neutrons in a scintillating detector. Proceedings of the Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C + SNA 2007), April 15-19, 2007, Monterey, CA.
- A. Enqvist, S.A. Pozzi, and I. Pázsit. Analytical and numerical modeling of the detection statistics from a fissile sample. Proceedings of the ESARDA Meeting, 2007, Aix-En-Provance.
- I. Pázsit, L. Pál, A. Enqvist, and S.A. Pozzi. The joint distribution of detected neutrons and gamma photons from fissile samples and its application in nuclear safeguards. Proceedings of the Fourth SPIE International Symposium Fluctuations and Noise, May 20-24, 2007, Florence, Italy. Proc. SPIE Vol. 6603, 251-259.
- S.A. Pozzi, A. Enqvist, and I. Pázsit. Neutron and Photon Multiplicities for Nuclear material Detection and Identification. Proceedings of the ANS Annual Meeting, June 2007, Boston, MA.
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S.A. Pozzi. Derivation and Comparison of the Pulse Height Distribution Induced by Fast Neutrons in a Scintillation Detector. Proceedings of the Fall meeting of the INMM Central Chapter, November 7, 2007, Oak Ridge, TN.
- I. Pázsit and A. Enqvist. Theory of periodically pulsed Feynman- and Rossi-alpha methods. Proceedings of the ANS Winter Meeting, November 2007, Washington.
- A. Enqvist, M. Flaska, and S.A. Pozzi. Measurement of Fast Neutron/Gamma-Ray Cross-Correlation Functions with a Pu-Be Source. Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA), June 2-5, 2008, Berkeley, CA.
- A. Enqvist, M. Flaska, and S.A. Pozzi. Measurement of Fast Neutron/Gamma-Ray Cross-Correlation Functions for the Identification of Nuclear Materials. Proceedings of the INMM Annual Meeting, July 13-17, 2008, Nashville, TN.
- A. Enqvist, I. Pázsit, and S. Avdic. Combined Use of Neutron and Gamma Multiplicities for Determining Sample Parameters. Proceedings of the International Conference on mathematics, Computational Methods & Reactor Physics (M&C 2009), May 3-7, 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY.