

Prof. Sara A. Pozzi

Lab Instructors

Dr. Shaun D. Clarke

NERS 535: Detection Techniques for Nuclear Nonproliferation

This course covers recent techniques for the detection, identification, and characterization of nuclear materials. It includes the study of Monte Carlo simulation with MCNP and MCNP-PoliMi and measurement techniques through experiments with gamma ray and fast neutron sources.

Enrollment is open to seniors and graduate students. Enrollment is typically 20-25 students.

The syllabus can be downloaded here.

NERS 590: New Scintillators 

The course introduces the students to the physics and chemistry of organic scintillators as well as the  techniques for characterizing their use in radiation detectors. Students formulate and cast their own  organic scintillator samples during a week-long practicum at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. These  samples are then brought back to UM where students will couple them to photomultiplier tubes in our laboratory. Students then design characterization experiments with several radiation sources. 

NERS 532: Nuclear Safeguards

A newly established course that covers description of the history of nuclear safeguards methods, international safeguards policy, and techniques and currently used neutron and gamma ray measurement systems in the areas of nuclear material safeguards.

Students are introduced to the science and technology associated with nuclear safeguards. The students gain a hands-on experience with safeguards instruments through a week-long training course at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Safeguards Laboratory.

The syllabus and flyer can be downloaded here.

Prior Courses

NERS 554: Radiation Shielding Design

Radiation interacts with matter. Groups design projects in radiation shielding design. The best projects are submitted for publication on journals and at conferences.

The syllabus can be downloaded here.