• a group of people instead of hospital LINAC
    Collaborations and conducting novel research in radiation detection

The Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group

Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group logo


The Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group’s (DNNG) interests include the development of new methods for nuclear materials identification and characterization for nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear material control and accountability, and national security programs. These activities have applications in many areas including homeland security, medical imaging, and nuclear fuel cycle monitoring. We are fully committed to the education and professional development of the students that choose to join us or to take our courses. Our research has strong ties to nuclear physics and mathematics, which are always at the basis of our contributions.

Are you interested in conducting research with DNNG? We are always seeking highly-qualified and motivated students to join!

Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group logo flyer

DNNG’s Professor Sara Pozzi is the Director of the Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification

Consortium for monitoring technology and verification logo

Professor Sara Pozzi is the Former Director of the Consortium for Verification Technology

Consortium for monitoring technology and verification logo