Research Focus Areas: 2, 3, & 6
(Ph.D. graduate student position available)
Ph.D. Students: R. Lopez, Will Heriot
Collaborators: DTRA, SNL
Our group has extensive experience building combined neutron and gamma-ray imagers. These devices have tended to be relatively bulky, in part because of the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) they employ. However, our recent work with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have shown that SiPMs are a viable alternative to PMTs for certain neutron and gamma ray detection systems. We are taking advantage of this recent advancements in SiPM technology to build a more compact handheld dual particle imager (H2DPI). A prototype H2DPI has been designed and optimized through characterization of its components and extensive MCNPX-PoliMi simulations. We have recently constructed an upgraded prototype and have begun characterization and testing of the system. Future work will involve measuring special nuclear material (SNM) with the prototype device and determining how to achieve the best imaging performance and material characterization with future iterations of the H2DPI.

Related Journal Articles:
- Nathan P. Giha, William M. Steinberger, Lucas Q. Nguyen, Joseph S. Carlson, Patrick L. Feng, Shaun D. Clarke, Sara A. Pozzi, “Organic glass scintillator bars with dual-ended readout”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 1014, 2021, 165676, ISSN 0168-9002,
- W. M. Steinberger, N. P. Giha, M. Hua, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, ”Anisotropic neutron response of trans-stilbene and impact on a handheld dual particle imager”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol 1003, 165266, 2021.
- W. M. Steinberger, M. L. Ruch, N. P. Giha, A. Di Fulvio, P. Marleau, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, “Imaging of Special Nuclear Material Using a Handheld Dual Particle Imager,” Sci Rep 10, 1855 (2020).
- M.L. Ruch, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, “Pulse shape discrimination performance of stilbene coupled to low-noise silicon photomultipliers,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 793, pp. 1-5, 2015.
Related Conference Proceedings:
- M.L. Ruch, P. Marleau, and S. A. Pozzi, “Position Sensitivity within a Bar of Stilbene Coupled to Silicon Photomultipliers,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Strasbourg, France. 29 October – 6 November, 2016.
- M.L. Ruch, P. Marleau, S. A. Pozzi, “Proof of Principle Simulation of a Handheld Neutron Scatter Camera,” Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference, Santa Fe, NM, USA. 25 – 30 September, 2016.
- M.L. Ruch, J. Nguyen, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, “Time Resolution of Stilbene Coupled to Silicon Photomultipliers for use in a Handheld Dual Particle Scatter Camera,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, San Diego, CA, USA. 31 October – 7 November, 2015.
- M.L. Ruch, C. B. Sivels, S. A. Czyz, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, “Comparison between Silicon Photomultipliers and Photomultiplier Tubes for Pulse Shape Discrimination with Stilbene,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Seattle, WA, USA. 8 – 15 November, 2014.